Behind Boho
Many things lead to the decision to start this small business, but here are a few stand outs.
We believe everyone deserves to be happy and fulfilled in their job. After college our owner (Devon) had many jobs throughout varying industries like commercial mortgage banking, architecture, boutique marketing agencies but she never really felt like she belonged. Faced with job exhaustion, Devon realized the ideal solution to her problems would be to work for herself; and so began the dream of Boho Trace.
After suddenly losing her mother in January 2021, Devon had the epiphany many do after a loss - life is short and we should all do as much as we can to live it to the fullest. This meant to her there was no better time than now to take the leap of faith into her boutique owning dreams.
Dedicated to Tracy Kim Sawyer 1963-2021

Meet Devon
Founder and CEO Devon Sawyer originally thought she wanted to be a TV news reporter, majoring in Broadcast Journalism in college. She quickly realized that wasn't her true passion and began dipping her feet into the fashion world by starting a blog.
Over her years of blogging Devon realized just how much she truly loved clothes. Not only the experience of going shopping, but the way the perfect outfit makes you feel. Her goal for Boho Trace is to make every woman feel like she can express the best version of herself. So here's to you sis and happy shopping!